Sunday 19 August 2012

A post about Tomatoes

I'm sure there are those amongst my regular readers who will be exceptionally excited about the fact that this blog is focused entirely on tomatoes.

It is going to be a short update, however.

First of all, I was hoping someone could help me out with what this is. All of my tomato plants have this strange bobbles all over them. They are hard to touch and cover the main truss and stems.

So any advice / should I be concerned?

Secondly, I am very pleased to present this picture which shows two of the tomato plants that I gave away a few months ago, coming on very nicely, and with about 30 fruit developing well.

Thanks, Matt, for sending me the picture and allowing me to post it.

It's great to see that someone else is having a good amount of success with the plants :)

Anyway, that's it for now folks.


  1. I believe that those are nodules (also called root initials, for obvious reasons:

    I have them all over the branches, close to the soil, but the only time I've seen them farther up was when last years tomatoes really started to succumb to blight. In that case, the healthy upper portions of the stems were obvious starved of water/nutrients and were desperately forming nodules for that reason.

    Hopefully that link should be of some use. They're not neccissarily something to worried about, I think.

    1. Ahhh, yeah this plant they are worse on has collapsed slightly as it out-grew the stake I bought it. It could be that has caused a problem with the stem...

      I am careful to not over-water, so it must be something like that.

      Well found sir :)
